This summer I'm getting rid of the phones at my place. I have a cell and nobody calls me on the landline, so it will be nice to not have that bill. So now the only thing to take care of is the Tivo. I will get a TurboNet card this week or next from 9thTee. I had asked some questions about setting it up a while back, but reading over that thread there were some questions that weren't answered.
First, I want to start out by just being able to use the network to dial out. Following the sucess of that, I want to try the Telnet and FTP stuff to get programs onto my computer for archiving onto DVDS.
Currently, my setup is this:
-the house is wired with jacks in several rooms, going to a patch block in the closet
-the patch is connected to a hub
-one of the computers on the hub is in that closet, is connected to the cable modem, and is running ICS
Will this be sufficient for dialing out? Will this be enough for getting shows onto my computer? I don't know much networking, so what is this DHCP stuff?
Also, for parts of the year my Tivo will be in a different location. Then, it will be connected directly to my computer's ethernet jack, which will be connected to the internet via a wireless network adapter. Can the Tivo still function normally?
Sorry for so many questions. I would really appreciate as many answers as I could get.