I thought I should post this about the site that Rob linked. I saw this on the Tivo Community board:

Warning: There is only one genuine Turbonet card
Hi all,

I am sorry to have to say that for a short period of time recently a un-authroized and poor quality turbonet knock-off was being sold.

These kncok-off cards can be identified by the lack of a rev number on the back under the RJ45 socket.

Turbonet cards are only available from 9thtee or bundled with a harddrive from ptvupgrade.

If you purchased a knock-off card then I would advise you to attempt to get your money back.

I designed the turbonet card as a fun project including custom tivo drivers and numerous prototypes. When people from this forum expressed interest I paid for a prototype run out of my own pocket. Mark (9thtee) took up the cause to help and we were able to take the prototypes to something that could be used by members of the tivo community.

Money from the sale of these cards has helped fund the AirNet card, QuadDrive, and now the CacheCard. I hope to be able to bring the CacheCard to beta testing very soon, and by doing so, aim to prolong the life and improve the user experience of these very cool PVRs.

Ok, so I love to play

Again I apologize for the problems that this has caused and I hope that now that things are back online we can get back to the true spirit of the tivo community.



When pressed for more info on the subject:
I havn't tested these cards yet, however the ones that I have visually inspected showed tarnished solder joints with hand rework (I am quite happy to post a photo). This doesn't say that they will or will not work, nor if they are all like this, just that I would expect a higher rate of return.


Just thought I'd let people know. I ordered it from that store, and it works, but hopefully I won't run into problems down the line.