> schofiel wrote:
> I notice you have not even bothered to note whether or not your empeg works, whether the sound quality is any good, other stuff like that.
> Have you actually tried to see if the funny shiny box thing actually works yet?

Is this a trick question? Why would I post whether it works or not? That's the very least the thing should do. It's not like it's a bonus if it actually turns on. It certainly hasn't been able to work in my car, yet.

As for sound quality, it sounds great out-of-car, but thanks to the bad hardware and wrong delivery address, I haven't yet heard it in the environment in which it'll chiefly be used. That it sounds good in my bedroom is no indication that it won't be noisy in my automobile.

Milo D. Cooper
-- Milo D. Cooper http://www.miloonline.net/