I personally don't find it particularly surprising, because I don't think it's as bad as you say. The main thing to remember is that that forum is also catering to the people who think a $200 device is expensive, and exclaim "when will I find the perfect car MP3 CD-R player!" - meaning one which does everything and is also cheaper than all the rest. You can't honestly compare a Nomad to an empeg - it's not even in the same time zone. And yet that's where it's placed - naturally, the other people in the board have a different view.
I remember when I started looking at MP3 and had a lot of suspicion at first. I couldn't get WinAmp to work on my machine (stupid 8-bit sound card device driver in NT) and naturally invented justifications for why it wasn't worth the effort. Now, of course, I know better - after all, I've successfully converted another sceptic (my brother) to the fold

Of course, all the car audio sellers out there want you to buy their own equipment; they've already got their reasons ranked up for why customers shouldn't buy portable MP3 players and should instead shell out for non-portable car CD players or what-have-you. Plus, from my experience a fair percentage of those people behind the counter wouldn't have the foggiest about the technicalities of things like SNR, THD, grounding loops or parametric EQ; they have a hard time when you start talking watts! Most of them are people have done no course in electronics or electrical engineering, they're just ordinary joes with a liking for car audio and the perks of being inside the trade.
Not to say that there aren't some very experienced ones out there. But I think the experience of this board has proved that those experienced people also recognise the empeg as a quality piece of kit worthy of serious attention. The others either want to sell you something or have been burnt by some dodgy MP3 player in the past.
I still don't know how I'm going to find an installer when I get my empeg...
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