All this chcolate on chocolate talk is making me think you guys aren't talking about milkshakes anymore.
I'd post up some of my more out-there creations, but then I'd have to kill you all. I still have plans to commercialize some at some point.

After all, people are already stealing my "tastes like ass" line.
I will defintely chime in on Hershey's though. They're definitely the Coors of Chocolate. It's like "memories of chocolate." You know it's supposed to taste like cholcolate, it looks like it, even smells like it somewhat. But really, it's far from. Some of the worst I've ever tasted is one of the most recognisable products as well: Kisses. Blech.
I'm also a big fan of using natural peanut butter with milk concoctions and/or icecream (not skippy or any similar crap, but Adams of local brands of "just peanuts" variety - better without salt).
You do have to be careful when using some chocolates you might normally enjoy solo while trying to make a shake. Lindt has some amazing chcolates but I don't know if they'd all be appropriate for chocolate shake making.
I make a milkshake (non icecream) for breakfast nearly every day. Sometimes with a dash of chocolate powder just to change things up a bit. Since it's not a "dessert" it's not quite the same thing, but it's definitely tasty. I've thought about presenting it in a different incarnation as a cold dessert soup. Don't know if I can convert enough people into "dessert soup" to really get the ball rolling though.

Maybe if I made a website.
So even with all this daily blending I don't have a fancy malt machine (the dedicated milkshake machines). I do use what's arguably the best hand-held blender you can buy for non-commercial use though. Bamix all the way. Good for smaching up all those otherwise "solids" I use as well.