My little empeg now has about 9k songs on it arranged by artist/album in playlists

Listening the other day to Warren Zevon's "splendid isolation' i thought..gee this sounds a lot like 'changing of the guard' by bob dylan..which sounds a bit like 'i love you suzanne' by lou reed.

needless to say i had to search for these songs to confirm my suspicions...

the accuracy of my impression notwithstanding, i realized that i had my eyes off the road for a good half mile, then like waking up from a dream, i had to focus on where i really was...

having said that, given all of the attention the empeg requires for full use of its features, i wonder if some legislative body wouldnt make it illegal for use by the driver, as cell phone are here in NJ

so..the more songs you have, the more 'work' it will take to hear what you want, and the more distracted you will be from driving

...any thoughts???

...One man gathers what another man spills