He wadded up his cigarettes, tossed them in the trash, and never smoked again.
Good for your friend! Actually, that's pretty much how I ended up quitting; my girlfriend and I decided that it was time, and we set a date of Oct. 26th (of last year). Both of us had tried quitting a number of times before, but turned INSANE after just a few minutes. 
Somehow, though, this time it was easy. And I had even gotten myself worked up for a good fight against it! But I honestly haven't had much of a craving since I finished my last cigarette last October.
We both actually signed up for the Colorado QuitNet , but I've never really done anything on it. Not to seem rude, but the people on it seem really kinda sorry, and don't appear to have done anything but trade one addiction for another. But at least they aren't gonna get lung cancer, ya? On the other hand, it DOES keep track of some stats for you, based on what you told it about your smoking habits.... Pretty scary:
Your Quit Date is: 10/26/2003
Time Smoke-Free: 292 days, 6 hours, 38 minutes and 22 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 7307
Lifetime Saved: 1 month, 25 days, 19 hours
Money Saved: $1,277.50
Almost enough for two roundtrip tix to Tokyo! Woo! I'm gonna have to treat myself come spring!