empeg sound This is a project I've been working on for a few weeks and I thought it was about time I shared it with the BBS community. This step-by-step guide will walk you through all the things you need to do to get the best possilbe sound out of your empeg. We've spent so much time and money on our empegs, it's shame that most of us don't get the best sound out of it! This is a small way I can help repay all the help that all of you have given me over the years.
- Introduction
- Your MP3s
- Speaker Connections
- Amp Gain
- Phase Test
- Balance Control
- Time Alignment
- Parametric EQ
- Goodies
Disclaimer: The site is still a work in progress, so please be kind with your comments and suggestions. I still need to get the sound files ready for the Parametric EQ section, so that section isn't quite finished yet, but I've been dragging my feet getting this done, so I figured that a knowing a bunch of people were looking at it would help modivate me!

Suggestions are very welcome and I'm open to discussion is anyone disagrees with my process. One suggestion I've gotten was to include a Printer Friendly version, so that is in the works, but I want to wait until the site is more or less done before I spend time on that.
I'm sorry about the long URL too... if anyone wants to pay for a dedicated domain name and hosting, feel free!