Is there any reason not to do the same here (ie. set the empeg volume lower than 0db when setting gain audibly)?
Yes, the empeg does not distort at 0dB. It only begins to distort after 0dB. Most headunits don't operate their gain the same way, and usually don't count "up" to 0dB.
Another way to set/test gain settings is to use test tones and a volt meter. This is a quantifiable approach as opposed to a qualitative one by using (and possibly damaging) your ears.
That's true, although in the case of the empeg (and select highend units), I don't think it's as much of an issue because distortion begins after 0dB. I'm planning a set of "advanced" tutorials that will go more in depth, and I may include this.
If I were to go to full volume on my HU, the amp would not clip, but I would be deaf.
You might want to lower the input gain on your amp then to increase your signal to noise ratio! 
I'd really like to grab a few good/clean repeating wave pattern files so I can go this route setting my gains with my multimeter.
The AutoSound CDs are a good route, but you could always make your own too. 
I just got my new amp so I'll be doing some initial testing (to make sure it works) this weekend.
My page is still in "beta" now, and I havn't even gone through step-by-step yet! Let me know if you learn anything that isn't vehicle specific..
Brad B.