The errors mean that there is something wrong with the CD. Sometimes, a differant CD-ROM drive will be able to deal with those errors better, but you may also want to look into repairing the CD. If the CD just has scratches on the underside of the disk, and they aren't deep enough to have scratched the data layer, I've had great results with the "Skip Dr." I have a link to this on my EAC Tutorial Page.

EAC does fill out the tags correctly, so it must be some setting with EAC that is turned off. In the "Compression Options" (found by clicking File > Compression Options), select the "External Compression" tab. Now, make sure the "Add ID3 Tag" box is checked as pictured .

If that doesn't work, look me up on IM (in my profile) and I can help you out. here

242632-eac.gif (732 downloads)

Brad B.