In my mobile phone example. The theif didn't even have to break in. I was at the local car wash using the vacuums. The top was down and I went to get change. The moment or so I was out of sight, was just enough. The phone was there when I pulled in. After leaving I noticed it missing. Between those two times the only other person near the car was another patron of the car wash. I saw the guy. He really kept his cool. Took the phone, went back to his car and finished working on it before leaving.
Based on that experience, I'm leery about have a pullout system. That begs the question "Why did I buy this one?" Simpley answered. Its just about the only game in town right now. BTW. I have no intention of removing the factory installed system. Just agumenting it. For that, I would be better off putting the player in the trunk. To that effect I have been following the threads about remote displays and such.
-- Glenn