Check this out....

A friend from Sydney is here from my company. Last night, he came by, parked his rental in front of my condo in SF, and we went to dinner and to see Ben Folds at Davies Symphony Hall. We were gone for about 3 hours or so. When we got back, the alarm in his car was going off and there were several nasty notes on the car. Apparently, the car alarm had been going off for about 3 hours.

He shut off the alarm, and I went outside to get the notes from the car. My neighbor, a pretty prominent woman lawyer, was also outside, and she asked if it was my car. I told her that it was my friend's and that I was sorry if it disturbed her. She pretty much stormed off as she was upset. I can't blame her, 3 hours of that alarm must have been pretty annoying.

After calling Hertz, my friend decided to swap for a new car. He left, and soon called me and told me that the car had been keyed all across the passenger side. I wrote my neighbor a note to apologize again and then went to bed.

It then started to annoy me that someone had keyed the car. I realized that the building's security cameras probably caught the keying... So I fired up the app on my PC and started watching to see if I could spot who did it. I started at 10:00 PM and started searching forward from there. Well, at 10:05, this lawyer walks out of her place, over to the right side of the car, does her thing, and makes a bee line back to her door. TOTALLY CAUGHT!

So I re-forwarded her my note with another that says "I just watched the video. The keying happened at 10:05, and I'm considering a discussion with the police."

She called me this morning and totally owned up to it. Said she had a "lapse of judgement."

Hertz didn't notice the damage, but if they do, I'll connect this woman with my friend and let them work it out.

I can't believe she did it. My friend wasn't negligent or being nasty - the car just happened to have some kind of alarm defect and he wasn't there to correct it.

That's my story. Any thoughts?

- Jon