It doesn't matter who broke the law, or how much power they have.
But wouldn't you be afraid of retaliation for turning someone in (or helping to do so)? Someone irrational enough to do bad seems capable of doing more bad if they are busted like this.
This keying is a clear and serious case, but some others are not. Some people feel compelled to tattle on every little hint of infraction of the law that they even think is going on. I've heard too many stories of insane neighbors causing hell for people I know over the most inane, yet technically infringing things. How utterly unnerving those people are.
But at the other end, there's Machiavelli: doing unspeakable acts which simultaneously cause enough fear in on-lookers that they don't dare fight back. The only way to stop those guys is to put them beyond the reach of retaliation... and hope their friends don't come for you.
I think all the 1980's American media shocking me as a kid about gang violence and drug-related incidents made me so paranoid. But, through my life, the paranoia has proven true too many times. Pick your battles, and make sure you can win them, and win them good. </preach>
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set