The biggest games are played as "mixed" games, so the world-class players need to know all the games. A common variant is HORSE, which stands for Holdem, Omaha/8, Razz, 7-Stud, and 7-Stud Eight or better Hi/Low split. Lately, 2-7 Triple-Draw Lowball is being played instead of razz. Anyhow, these guys play a complete table orbit of one game, then switch to the next in rotation. It's not good enough to be an expert at one game, though most of them are best in one game.

OK, THAT sounds like fun. I've never played Razz or triple-draw, though I'm familiar with the rules of both. I enjoy playing Omaha/8 as a break from time to time, though I generally only come out a little ahead and I stick to $.01 PL games.

I think I saw HORSE on one site I tried, but I didn't know what it was. UB does not have anything like that- nor does it even have Razz. It does have Triple Draw, but like I said, I really have no desire. I'd give Razz a shot, though I hear it's quite a frustrating game.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.