I'd like to warn some folks out there who are on empeg's list with a hotmail account. My inbox protector placed the Rio notice in my bulk mail folder. Don't empty it automatically like I usually do!

A couple thoughts on the survey:

When it asked me how much of the time that I had specified was "spent specifically searching for, or downloading digital music", I didn't like the choices. I said 11-15 which means even if I picked 25%, that means I'm spending from 3 to 4 hours downloading music! I certainly don't do that, but "none" doesn't work either. I spend probably 1 hour at most, and it sure doesn't take me all that time to find the music .

Anyway, here's my top sites:
www.allmusic.com - this is my homepage. I've been reading through this thing for something like 4 years, and I still find great info!
www.led-zeppelin.org - what can I say? they're the best band ever, and this is the best site I found for them. it even has bass/guitar tabs for every studio song!
www.suntimes.com/ebert - hey, I like reading movie reviews! even though I don't always agree with them, and certainly never guide myself by them, let's face it, Ebert knows more about movies than any of us, that's for sure.

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.