I've seen this complaint here and elsewhere about the lack of gigabit home routers. Not a single home router is capable of routing at anything close to 100bT speeds. Assuming you own some duct tape and a patch cable, the only valid complaint is that you don't want to deal with two wall warts.

I know this isn't important for a connection over the internet, but remember I also want to use this router in the the internal LAN. Those PC's would benefit from gigabit lan. I know I can fix this by adding a gigabit LAN switch, but I would rather see all this in one nice little box which does it all.
Power consumption, as Mark states, is one issue. (small one) Another one is the added amount to the total cost (even smaller one) and the fact that it doesn't look so...neat.
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup