
Clarification on the way Sonicwall handles VPN: You can purchase VPN-user-license "packs" that you add on to the router as you need them. At least that's the way it worked on the TZ170 I had.

This is one of the reasons (the other is cost) I'm still in doubt whether to buy one of the SonicWALL routers or a Draytek one. I'll read some more reviews on the web on both and then make up my mind.


- Trying to put the VPN server in a DMZ was more hassle than it was worth and I couldn't get it to work. Instead, I had to put my DSL Modem into "bridge" mode so that the sonicwall box was the internet-facing appliance.

This is the way I've been planning to do the whole setup all along. So that's not a problem for me.


- Trying to configure the Windows VPN client to connect to the sonicwall VPN was more hassle than it was worth and I couldn't get it to work. Instead, I simply had to purchase a few licences for the proprietary sonicwall VPN client, then give the users burned CDs of the sonicwall client software.

I don't like this all that much, but this point has been rendered unimportant by Rob's response below. On the other hand, I would prefer things not to use proprietary stuff.


Something else looking back that I'm realizing... Back then, I didn't understand how simple it was to set up a RADIUS server.

Valid point, but this setup will be for four users maximum, and will never change anymore. So this won't be necessary for what I'm planning to do.

I have been reading up on the thread of your experiences. Very informative! And I understand about 80% of what is said in that thread, so I guess it's not all that bad.
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