Takes about 15-minutes with a modern DVD reader that hasn't been crippled by the firmware.
Hmm i swear the plugin for myth I read said it took like almost as long as the movie it self.. if only about 15min then thats great wont take me as long as i had thought..
Thank you sein for that description of the backend/frontend.. helped clear up a few of my questions in my head about it.
as for the channel delay if its only around 2-3 sec i could live with it.. its what our tivo does...
Thank you all for your responses with this.. its really helped me get a much better picture of what im doing and sounds like will do what i need/want.. just need to work out that final detail of how to back this entire thing up and ill be ready to begin!
have to crack my other linux box open and see how much space i have in there for HDs.. might have to see about getting a raid card for it or something, actually now that i think about it i think its either my abit or asus board that had raid built on it so I should have 4 PATA IDE ports on it already..
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not a destination................................
MKIIa : 60gig - 040103286 - Blue - v2 + PCATS tuner
MKIIa : 20gig - 040103260 - Blue - v3a8 + Mark Lord Special Edition Cherry Dock