Thanks again for all of your feedback. Tomorrow at work, I will check on P&S and the Canon and Nikon recommendations specifically regarding the F Stop and other settings mentioned above.
Yes, the requester of the purchase is in the megapixel trap. I am in the "DSLR's must have features to fix all problems" trap. Namely, there must be a good lens specifically for indoor press pictures. If Canon has the most lens options, maybe I should try them.
I'm not sure I trust image stabilization. Isn't it just like ground loop fixers for car stereo - a hack at the problem, but not a real solution?
Optical image stabilization from Canon seems like much less of a hack than digital image stabilization (which I can't find a description of) in the Pentax. Still, a hack, which a proper lens and proper knowledge of its use would overcome. Right?
Oh, and I don't know how far from the subject the camera will be. I'm guessing from 3 feet to 50 feet (many rows back in a small lecture room). I'm guessing lighting will be flourescent, maybe flood, rarely natural. I'll review this and request problematic examples from the requestor.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set