Ahh, understood.

First, Bitt, thanks for the clear reply. I really appreciate the fact that you seem to have taken my post in exactly the spirit it was intended.

Second, in a lot of ways I agree with you. I really do like the Sopranos (well, did like the Sopranos), but not because of the gangster genre bit. I think it's simply that I really enjoyed the characters. And I have to say that, while you may not like the show from what you've seen, it took a long time for me to get into it as well. I really believe it's one of those shows that you have to get inside the characters' heads, so to speak, before it becomes truly enjoyable. It's a cumulative effect, no doubt.

That said, I can definitely commiserate... I, for the most part, loathe Star Trek and all its variants, and when I worked in IT it was a fücking nightmare having to listen to people talk about it all the time. I finally just got snarky and told the fanboys that if they felt the need to talk about it, please do it away from my desk and out of earshot. So you have my sympathy.