I haven't seen either the Star Trek or 4400 episode (I hadn't even heard of 4400 until just now) but the concept sounds very much like both Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge" (1890) and Borges's "The Secret Miracle" (1944).
Well, the difference between the ST and 4400 stories, and Owl Creek, Secret Miracle, Jacob's Ladder, and Last Temptation of Christ is:
Gur ynggre fgbevrf ner nyy erirnyrq nf yvsr unccravat va gur zbzrag bs qrngu, jurernf gur sbezre ner nyy nobhg "gur yvsr lbh'ir yvirq hagvy abj unf orra snagnfl naq guvf vf lbhe erny yvsr", hagvy gur arj erny yvsr vf erirnyrq nf n snagnfl, naq gura nssrpgf gur erny erny yvsr sebz gung cbvag sbejneq. Hygvzngryl, gur ynggre unir ab vasyhrapr ba nalbar ohg gur crefba rkcrevrapvat gur snagnfl, jurernf gur sbezre vaqverpgyl vasyhrapr rirelbar ryfr, gbb.
Anyway, regardless of all of that, the ST and 4400 stories were incredibly similar, almost to the level of plagiarism, IMO.
I hadn't even heard of 4400 until just now
If you have any interest in scifi, it's worth checking out. It's got a low-budget feel to it, and it can be a little overly episodic, a la The X-Files, at times, but there's more to it than you might expect.
Bitt Faulk