TV has changed immensely for Denise and I over the past 3.5 years.
We pre-record *everything* on MythTV and hence never catch glimpses of BB or shows we don't want to invest time in (eg Sopranos).
Instead we have many hundreds of hours of drama stored on a Tb array - we just see what takes our fancy and watch it;
We've got the last 2 series of 24 to watch; the last 2 series of Lost;
We haven't watched the 'news' for over 3 years either - etc does it well enough.
Although I have to admit that I have heard of the existence of Paris Hilton - one of the downsides of speed reading a web page I suppose.
At work it's amazing the number of major news stories that seem to have passed me by - I had no idea that something really, really important had happened on a really, really popular reality TV show that I'd never heard of - bliss.
I suppose it limits interaction in things like the recent Heroes thread - but I'm on a different continent so it's not synchronised anyway.
All in all it's an excellent way to filter out the mindless Oprah/Big Brother crap (and that is crap isn't it, not just something *I* don't like) and select the genres we prefer (Firefly, Babylon5, House, Greys Anatomy, Heroes, Boston Legal, The Clangers, Cold Case, Malcolm, NCIS, Profiler...)
So Bitt, I have no idea if the Sopranos is dull. I haven't seen a single second of it - but I'm not into 'mob' dramas so it got filtered out

Now Heroes...
Does anyone see a resemblance between "The 4400" and "Heroes". Last week in The 4400 (lbt's timezone, UK Oct 2006 for the rest of you) we had a mind-reading 4400, a body-shifting 4400, a healing 4400, a time-travel 4400...
Of course Heroes is *so* much better but...