Did you take a look at the videos of LightZone I linked? I can't explain how badly I want that functionality in my non-destructive workflow. I would also love B-Spline support in Illustrator and an exact duplicate of all Illustrator path tools in Photoshop. I won't hold my breath though, because with the exception of new modules such as ACR you mentioned, Adobe programs and UI are (as I mentioned) 20 years out of date. As of CS2 there was virtually no parity in UI between any of their applications - it was still painfully obvious they were all made by completely different vendors. Their original roots in third-party acquisitions have left their indelible marks which Adobe either seem incapable, or unwilling, to remedy.
I'm not yet shooting RAW but will once I get some new photo equipment. Right now I don't even own a camera and have just gotten by using my fiancee's 4MP HP P&S and for the past 4 months, my brother's Nikon E8800. By the time I can afford to spend on body + lenses I'll probably be looking at the D200's replacement.

I'll also be needing a replacement for this PowerBook of course. If I buy a Dell though, I can probably save $50 and use it toward the camera... Hehe.
Had to tie back to the original topic.