I'll be moving into a new home next month, and to celebrate, I'm going to buy myself my first HDTV. Surveying the landscape, there are about a thousand different parameters to pay attention to, and my search of review sites, AVSforum, etc. has given me more questions than answers. If there's a comprehensive review site that simplifies the process, I haven't found it, so obviously, the solution is to ask here.

I've already ruled out projectors with separate screens because there will be a good amount of ambient light in the room. My desired screen size is in the 50"-60" range due to the size of the room. Outside of that, I would like 1080p resolution, a wide viewable angle, picture-in-picture, and excellent picture quality, though I realize the last one involves about a million different factors, some measurable, some not so much. I want something that's resistant to or free from burn-in concerns, and something that won't cost a lot of money in the future for maintenance (e.g. replacing bulbs.)
So, anyone have any suggestions, either specific models, manufacturers, whatever? Also, what's the best extended warranty option? I know the big box stores often rip you off with them, so I'm wary of those, but definitely want some coverage with such an expensive purchase.