A friend of mine has the DirecTV HD PVR. It doesn't suck, but it comes close.
I'd be more generous than that. It was a very sad day last month when I decided that getting the new DirecTV HD content was more important than TiVo. But the DirecTV unit isn't that bad. It's even better in some small ways though the overall interface is a mess compared to the beauty that is TiVo. But once you know how to get around it's non-intuitive menu structure, day to day use isn't really much different than TiVo.
That's pretty much what I've experienced when using my parents' DirecTV unit. For a while I was giving it a failing grade, but once they included the quick little rewind after a fast-forward like the Tivo does, I started giving it a slight passing grade.
Now my dad is waiting for them to enable use of an eSATA drive in conjunction with the internal drive. I don't believe that's possible yet, or if they're even trying for it. (haha, my Tivo can do it!