I have owned a ReplayTV 5040 in the past, so I am familiar with the product. However, I was never a heavy user of it because it doesn't make much sense (to me) to use that over a DirecTiVo with dual tuners.
I have used a ReplayTV 2000-series more extensively and the UI between that and the 5000-series seemed very similar to me. My opinion of it that it's pretty awful compared to a TiVo. I'm sure it's something that you can get used to, but I never caught on. The HR20 really wins on UI even against TiVo. The ability to have the current program running in a small window inside the guide or menu system is great. When using a TiVo now, it seems odd to me that the video and audio cut out completely when entering the menus.
Aside from a better UI, the HR20 would gain you access to video on demand similar to what cable offers. Most basic cable channels have their own VOD content/channel and the vast majority of the content is free. Available content can be snippets of shows, entire episodes, or full moves in the case of Starz On Demand.
VOD isn't a deal maker, but it's something you would lose if choosing HD cable and TiVo Series 3. It's also completely unavailable to Dish Network subscribers.
Home media streaming was referring to the streaming of audio stores on a computer. Video streaming (computer-to-HR20 and HR20-to-HR20) is apparently coming.
Conflict resolution is better than TiVo, but I can't compare it to ReplayTV. With TiVo, you're only faced with one show to cancel when all your tuners are busy at a given time. The HR20 will present you with the two shows it was intending to record and which one you would rather cancel. Season pass priority is handled similarly to TiVo.
Where the HR20 falls flat is dual live buffer. It will only buffer one buffer for up to 90 minutes. A DirecTiVo will buffer both tuners for up to 30 minutes each. I'd rather have the Tivo way.
The HR20's remote is also terrible. This is easily remedied by a Harmony remote, but that's another expense.
* automatic commercial skip
this will never happen 
* true, instantaneous 30 second skip
30 second slip isn't as good, but not terrible. Stack up 5-6 of them and you're through a commercial break in less than 10 seconds.
* instantaneous jump to any minute of the show
Only in 15 minute increments on the HR20.
* multi-room (stream shows from DVR to DVR)
Supposed to be coming. I'll update my HR20 thread when it does I guess.
* aforementioned Internet sharing, which is awesome
BitTorrent + HR20 when video streaming from a home computer becomes available?
* no monthly fee
There was a service fee at some point. It just happened to be at a higher price and only occurred once.