Originally Posted By: FireFox31
So maybe I should get an entry level dSLR with a "huge" CCD, like the Canon Rebel. I'm afraid of the complexity, but I want to learn. Choosing the right lenses seems difficult. I'd get an Elph/Ixus for casual shots.

I have a Canon Rebel. There are a bunch of presets that automatically adjust the settings for things such as portraits, landscapes, action shots, etc. That is how I use it most of the time. Then, when you want to experiment with different aperatures or focal lengths, a DSLR will allow you to do that also. There really isn't a downside except the size compared to a point and shoot.

For the lens, I used what came with the camera kit for quite a while. When I wanted a larger zoom, I read a bunch of reviews (I think on bhphotovideo.com?) and went with one that sounded good for me.