How can the Canon "affordable" A-Series line of cameras have more features than the ultra compact ELPH series?
Specifically, I would like shutter priority and aperture priority modes. The A's have them, the ELPH's don't. From my old S50, I learned to abuse shutter priority mode. "It's dark out, so set the shutter speed slower to get more light." These priority modes gave me a little more control without having to learn much about photo (which I will do using my forthcoming Rebel XSi).
Should I give up these features to get the ELPH, and better learn how to use the manual settings? Or settle for an A series which uses, gasp, AA batteries!!! No, I can't go back to AA's.
Input? Thanks guys!
And why does Canon have
SO many models. Maybe they're still listing their old discontinued ones. They're giving
Garmin a run for their money.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set