Originally Posted By: woops

I wouldn't know how to do that. I've got an Ohm-meter though.

Ah well, you might as well learn how then!

1. Unplug the empeg from everything.

2. Set the ohmeter to its lowest ohm value scale (mine has 200ohms as the lowest).

3. Study the board (or the photo above), looking for small yellowish things with two metal end contacts, within an inch or so of the corner of the DSP where the RESET pin is located.

4. Place one probe from the meter firmly onto the metal end of one of the capacitors you identified, and touch the other end to the dsp RESET pin, and see if the ohmmeter reads "0" when you do so.

If yes, then you've found an alternate site to attach your jumper from thermo pin-8 onto. Otherwise, try the other end of that same capacitor. And then another capacitor, and so on.

Takes about a minute to do them all -- there's only four or five nearby, I think.
