When you combine it with the object tag however you end up with the alt text displayed in IE even when the player loads.

And when you try to do it the other way around, surround the Embed with an Object tag, then you get the alt text displayed in Firefox even when the player loads. You can't win. Arg.

The only other thing I can suggest is splitting your three albums out into separate pages as none of them have more that 15 tracks individually.

I'm trying to go off of Coulton's very successful model of having every song on one page so they are easily find-able.

I'd happily use Coulton's MP3 player, which works (he ganked it from delic.io.us), but it's one of those Javascript/CSS players (which I'd like to avoid), and it only seems workable if you do it as a WordPress plugin, and I don't use WordPress.

I could choose not to do alt text at all. In that case I could do an ActiveX Object tag surrounding an Embed tag. But then that means anyone with an iPhone or an iTouch is out of luck because they won't see any links with which to download the MP3s.

Yeah, I could do Javascript. But I'd rather go to bed (3:17 AM here now) now, and then wake up and spend my weekend doing more fun things, like putting bamboo shoots under my fingernails.
Tony Fabris