There are so many different sorts of mutual funds that it's quite tricky to give investment advice with a two year time horizon. The standard advice (splitting between stocks and bonds, with a bias that scales toward bonds as you grow older) only works for long time horizons. Over twenty years, you can be confident that the market will generally go up. Over the next two years, that's anything but a clear statement.

Instead, if you know that, say, you'd be willing to tolerate the loss of at most 25% of your money, but absolutely no more, then you could consider something like putting half of the money into a money market (very safe, 3-5% return depending on which one you get) and the other half into an S&P500 index fund (where I can say, with absolutely no confidence whatsoever, that a worst-case two year loss of 25% seems like it's in the right ballpark).