I have a Duet, a Boom and a Classic Squeezebox. Of all of them I like the Classic the most and use it all the time on my office for music while I work, the Boom wakes me up every morning and gets used regularly but the Duet is quite a poor product.
It is slow and clunky and the interface is terrible, what I don't get about it is why they have made such a useless device, it does nothing apart from controlling the Receiver unit, if it had Harmony features on it it would be much more useful. This has reminded me I should put this unit up for sale.
I have to say if you are a Squeezebox user already you really are missing a trick by discounting the use of a touch or iPhone to control them. iPeng is a smashing bit of kit and I use that all the time, I imagine that must be killing sales for Logitech. It doesn't matter what you think if the iPod itself as a remote for the Squeezebox it's worth the money alone. So there is another vote for that solution

The ideal Squeezebox is still the old Classic, the display is great and can easily be read from across a room, they are also getting pretty cheap. They are not limited in features in many ways and the sound quality is pretty good to, forget the Receiver.