My wife and I are expecting our first child in a few weeks and her baby shower is coming up next week. We've got some basics covered already between new purchases and some items received as hand-me downs from family. We registered at Babies'R'Us and a local Baby-stuff and safety store for some things for the shower, trying to add quite a variety of things to give people options in picking out gifts, not that we expect to have them clear out the registry.
I know we're busy discussing the merits of Windows and Mac OS UI's, Palm marketing strategies and how to spam people for a party, but I thought it would be interesting to get the perspective of mostly guys (with or without kids) on this topic.
Lately I've found myself on a bit of a nostalgia bender and wanting to make sure that at some point during the future development of our child that she be exposed to some of the toys and products my wife and I loved while growing up. I hope they'll make a good mix with newer product developments and technologies. Not to mention that as far as Fisher Price little people go, I find the older stuff just has much more character.

Sure, you can't give them to toddlers as the people themselves are choking hazards, but that's more common sense than anything else.
Anyway, I'm curious what you guys have either found to be indispensable products, not just toys, for your own children or have experience with either from friends' or family's children.
In-hand we've already got a stroller, infant car seat, crib, what seems like a gross of receiving blankets, 2 infant bathtubs, some activity/developmental toys, a number of other do-dads and of course a decent amount of clothing.
We've already agreed to keep the home a Dora (and Diego) free zone too.

Incidentally, the stroller is a
Quinny Buzz 3 and the infant seat is a Maxi-Cosi Mico. They seemed like the "dad-style" product to get, especially as an alternative to the so-popular Bugaboo stuff.