Those Stokke high chairs are beautiful in their simplicity, but they're pricy, especially considering you need multiple accessories to go along with it. They also have some inconvenient aspects, such as their inability to be collapsed for storage or transport and lack of a table/surface to catch spills. It was one of two "alternative" high chairs that I liked though. The other was an all-plastic affair by Boon.

They do make an excellent product for use in a commercial setting though, and a number of restaurants around here have similar stuff. I'm very surprised Ikea doesn't have something similar actually.

We've registered for something a little more practical and as of last night, it seems to have been purchased.

Thanks to everyone for the ideas so far, please keep them coming if you can think of any more. Of course I'd love to see some feedback from anyone else who happens to catch this thread too.

Some of the stuff mentioned we've either registered for or have already, so I'm glad to see the recommendations/confirmations with regards to brands/models.

That white noise generator sounds really cool and might be more versatile than I first thought. I'll be looking at that a bit more.

I think I might throw a Squeezebox into the nursery, seeing as I'm not using my second one right now. Then I can stream all the Enya and Ministry the baby cares to listen to. wink

As far as diapers go, we're probably only going to use disposables for the first few weeks and then move to a washable "cloth" diaper system such as Bum Genius or Happy Heinys.

That wrap looks pretty versatile, but truthfully, I don't know if I'd trust my wife to always wrap/tie it correctly. wink Don't tell her I said that. I'm not sure how it would look on me either.

We registered for the Digital First monitor which I also see has been checked off the registry. I let my brother do the research on this one, hope he didn't steer me wrong.

I just put the crib together today after a final cleaning of the floor of the nursery. Over the past couple of weeks I've painted the room with multiple borders, built a narrow shelf around the perimeter, installed bamboo flooring and made/installed some cute cartoon clouds out of thin mdf/hdf along the top of all the walls. Once the furniture in the room is actually put in ideal positions, it will be the first room in this house that we've "completed." Next step some final small work in the kitchen and laundry and then finally set up my new office (which I'm going to need badly when Erin is home on mat leave).
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