It's a huge problem I have with Heroes and 24. Too many story lines. In Heroes they try to link them together, but they don't succeed. In 24 they mostly go all over the place as filler. That show, even without any other changes, would be so much better if they just focused on a single story line (the "Jack" story line). The main character is barely in any scenes. He could probably get all his shooting done in a couple of weeks.
Someone may argue that there are many story lines in Lost, but there really aren't. The characters in this show are all weaved together nicely to make one nice line, even if it in the form of a braid.

For similar criticism, see the 7-part Phantom Menace review from that slow-speaking dude on YouTube you don't like.

I had all the same complaints as your 1-3 points. But I'll further say that #2 was just completely useless. Plus, it was done in such a cliche/cheap way. Black and white? Really? This is just more made up on the spot, definitely not planned ahead of time, back-story that we don't need.
It's a daytime soap only with fewer episodes. Nothing but people sitting around talking all the time, never getting anything done and never aspiring to anything. It's a real comment on how dull the creator and writers must be in real life. And proof of what Kring mentioned when the show premiered, that he wasn't a big comic book fan/guy. At least I recall that being said.