Originally Posted By: andy

Of course taking your stance firmly you'd have to put up with a web without video, until the last few months at least wink

Well, technically speaking, videos are content, not apps and they can be downloaded and played offline. Multiple browsers on multiple platforms have also had their own support for playing video within the browser for 10+ years. But I do understand where you're coming from. Even today with new video tags you're still going to want a nice Javascript player to properly enjoy embedded video.

Our clients, not just Microsoft, are keen on Silverlight and some times you have to give the client what they ask for to make a living.

Actually, you should probably always give the client what they ask for, or don't take them on as clients. wink It's understood that this is more a showpiece for the technology rather than a general WC resource. And using Flash probably wouldn't help Microsoft at all...

There are a lot of proprietary web-based tools that should just be implemented as stand-alone applications, which can still be built using the resources of the specific browser they're intended to run on. Lots of intranet stuff for instance. A lot of stuff that would do far better not to be encumbered with the generic browser controls that can mess up their usage anyway.
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