For starters, it tries to do one of the things you do with IMAP over POP, which is to save a copy of your sent mail - mail you send via SMTP goes into your INBOX. SO you end up downloading back to your client a copy of all mail you send. That's just bloody stupid and a piss-poor design.
I've never noticed it trying to download something I had just sent.
The mail client can't delete mail from the POP server. I haven't read the POP RFC in years, but I've never connected to any other POP server where the mail client was prevented from deleting mail on its own accord.
Its a setting as I previously mentioned.
Yeah, there's more... Anyway, I'm traveling and currently in Nova Scotia so I'm trying not to spend too much time online.

Just enough to deal customers mostly.
More? The first problem I've never experienced and I would have expected Google not to have done that. The second one is because you've not configured it properly.
If you want better management then use IMAP like you're supposed to.