Making the bezel more narrow would be a disaster. I already run into the occasional problem where one of my fingers is close enough to the screen on the side of the phone to cause a missed tap.
That can be solved with software/logic.
And before you say, yes I'm clearly holding it wrong

Of course not. If that were the case then the designers failed at their job. It should be obvious how a device should be held and variation should should not impact the utility dramatically. At least that's the goal.
Also, I'm not sure if it is a fault with my phone or the new design of the digitiser, but the 5 seems somewhat less sensitive to the touch than previous devices.
I noticed the same thing with my brother's iPhone 5 last night. I hope it's a software issue. I first noticed it when trying to swipe the screen to go to the next page of icons on the springboard.
WRT the camera, it's definitely remarkable if you look back 10 years in comparison and yes it's a phone. But for many people it's the only device they might have on them. And we're not living in 2007 or 2008. I expect greater progress year over year and Apple, IMO has not delivered enough on the photo front. They've come a long way since the first model, but we need to see a leap in every product revision, IMO. The camera/lens in the Nokia 800 and the new 900 really shame every other phone on the market. Still not as good as a Compact Canon, but every other phone's images are laughable in comparison. Well, they would be laughable if it sometimes didn't make one cry that they missed a photo moment or ended up with a shite image. The iPhone 4 can't do anything unless you've got an incredible amount of ambient light. The LED "flash" is really really bad, too close to the lens, too weak, too narrow and slows down the camera to an almost unusable state. So unusable that if I'm trying to capture my 3 year old, I have to take some 10 images in hopes of even getting one marginal-to-decent result. Multiple images might look good if down-scaled to 320x200.
One thing I wasn't able to confirm last night was the resolution of Panorama images. They really dropped the ball on the UI for viewing the images. On a really wide pano my brother had taken the night before, I could not zoom in so that the height of the image was greater than the the screen ( holding the phone in landscape). I took a sample of my own and made a much less wide pano and when viewing that I could zoom in to a finer detail with the image easily spanning a size/distance much larger than the screen. I really hope this is a viewing/playback issue. When I first looked at his image I was afraid the camera was using the video mode to record the pano and wasn't using more than 720 vertical pixels. That would have been a real shame.