[AAPL] ... The stock price is down. When Apple stock falls it means my personal earnings per share fall. Then again I don't have so many shares that I can say the drops affect my wealth meaningfully....
You're holding your investment wrong (TM

). Current share price only matters when you are planning to sell in the near term future. Otherwise it is just noise. If your time horizon for selling is beyond 2012 then it matters not.
Pullbacks and drawdowns in AAPL share price are common enough. The current price action is what it is. For those with well positioned trading accounts this means cash on hand to buy more when the stock bottoms.
I expect to be buying (more) in the next day or two if AAPL bottoms with conviction. And I will not be buying common shares. I trade primarily vertical call spreads and straight calls in medium to longer dated AAPL call options. January and April 2013 options are the current buy targets for me.