The OnLive gaming service offers this feature for sure, and I'm pretty sure that's possible in the Gaikai system as well (although Drakino would be able to answer more definitively). You just log in and can immediately watch other gamer's sessions. Of course there's no way you can control when they stop and start. :-)
As you've found, Youtube offers tips 'n tricks videos with narration, but rarely a completely playthrough unless it's a speed run.
But here's the thing... I don't think it'll work for you. Once you pop those puppies to full screen, I'll bet you get motion sickness *worse* from watching than you would from playing. That's been the most common reaction in my experience. I certainly have that reaction: I can't watch someone else play FPS's, but I have no problem playing them myself (with a few exceptions such as Quantum Conundrum).
This specifically just came up in my household. Everyone was excited that I'd picked up Bioshock Infinite and wanted to see it on the big screen in the living room. And, predictably, everyone but me got very motion sick in short order. Most of the other people in my house have to be reading or looking at their laptops most of the time and only glancing up occasionally or during cutscense.
(The game is absolutely sublime, by the way. If you want to discuss it, start a separate thread.)
You said you tried Dramamine. I've found Dramamine tends to make me feel worse than the motion sickness, just, in a different way. Have you tried Bonine?