Exactly... Anyone who's willing to risk corrupting their database, FID files, etc. to get a release a couple days sooner needs to do some thinking about how much of a pain in the arse it would be to have to re-sync their entire music collection.

While I'm naturally disappointed by the tentative beta release date not being met, I would not want to load a product with severe deficiencies known to the development team. Empeg is protecting us from the common Microsoft practice of releasing KNOWN crappy builds to satisfy a deadline but not a quality objective.

In the future I think the Empeg team should not even divulge release dates at all, and surprise us with new releases. I know that isn't a popular notion, but I'd rather not have my hopes up. I have worked in software testing and now in development, which has shown me how often companies like to set artificial release dates which don't take into account the process of fixing bugs encountered in a thorough test. While I'm sure the Empeg team testing the 2.0 baseline well, the alpha team obviously found a showstopper. THAT'S WHAT ALPHAS ARE FOR. We should *expect* alpha releases to be shitcanned because the Empeg dev team doesn't have every imaginable confguration available to test on. I am glad there are guys who get these bugs worked out before they end up on my Empeg. While I would LOVE new features, I realize it's too much work for the Empeg folks to push out shoddy releases just to satisfy our collective GeekLust.

All of that said, I hope the USB problem gets licked and the beta magically appears on the support site soon. :)

MkII #554
- Tony C
my empeg stuff