Eeerrrr... 'cos someone else is doing the work for us? For free? Doh....

hmmm...what was it that I paid my $1200 for? Oh that's right an empeg with VR, a tuner (don't have it yet, but apparently it is on the way), etc...

can you imagine how fantastically cool the software for the empeg could be or could have been if the kind folks at empeg would have released the source like they originally intended to? I'm talking about back in the day before the mk.I when all was a dream.

I'm a patient guy and I don't want a software release that doesn't work, I understand that they are holding it until it works, that's fine. I just want to see the full potential of the empeg, and the only way to really do that is for them to release the source, so we all can write stuff for it and build on each other's work. We would have software upgrades every other day if all the people on this BBS who knew what they were doing, were working together to improve the empeg.

my $.02

