Well, I want to do that, but I don't know how. I'm not familiar with the Linux commands.
Also, are those commands integrated into the player or does it need 1.03 developer version of the software to do that?
The next question is then : can I install the developer version of 1.03 on top of the consumer version? I need the developer version for the access to the commands, but I don't want to risk ruining everything on the drive. Well, not yet anyway. I want to clean it entirely when this procedure has ended, but not as yet.
If I understand you correctly, you advise to :
use Sven's procedure by :
1) adding the 48gig as a slave to the 10 gig
2) booting from the 10 gig
3) fdisking the 48gig after switching disks (in software)
4) i should the configure the slave disk as a primary disk, so that I then in fact have TWO primary disks on the same chain. (I know this is possible in dos, but does this work in Linux?
5) format the 48gig in 'primary' mode
6) turn power off, remove the 10gig, jumper the 48 gig to master. Applie 1.03 to the 48gig (now master drive)
7) When finished, jumper the 10gig to slave and add as the secondary drive.
Is this correct?
Also, when all else is finished, Is there an easy way to erase everything off the 10gig drive, without going through the entire procedure of formatting and reloading the 1.03image onto it? I just need it to be empty.
If there's not, then I'll just go through the entire procedure again for the 10gig. OR I'll give that HD builder another try. According to Tony it should work OK for HD's smaller than 30gig.
Riocar 10gig (for now) S/N : 10101747 red
Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup