Archeon: "You said it man. I've ordered mine on 18/09/01. (still got the order form) Three or four days before the EOL announcement."

I just ordered a 10G yesterday. Since I'm *knowingly* buying an EOL product from a finite inventory, if the price drops another $200 in a few weeks, that will be my tough luck, I suppose. Under the circumstances, you just have to take your chances as to the right time to buy. At some point in the price-drop process, if SB still has a lot of inventory, it will no longer be worth having an agonal RioCar presence on the web site and eStore inventory. A liquidator will take 'em all at $225 each and you can look for them in other nooks and crannies.

I think it's a different story for folks who purchased just prior to the EOL announcement or for anyone who purchased recently after stumbling across the RioCar web site (which still makes no mention of EOL from what I can see.). There is some small consideration in the offical announcement for recent buyers, FWIW. (If you qualify, does it necessarily follow that you will have been fleeced?!?!)



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.