Arrh! The Reo Store doesn't exactly inspire confidence. As mentioned above, I ordered a 10GB unit on Saturday while it still said "In Stock". It's now late Tuesday and I've still yet to recieve a "Shipped" confirmation. The status web page for my order says "Pending shippment". And now the status of the 10GB units has changed to "Out of Stock". This ranks down near the bottom of my many on-line buying experiences (i.e. saying product is in stock then after you order saying it isn't-- that's really lame).

Yet, other users here ordered later than me and they get a shipping confirmation? Hmmmm... Hey Rob, if the U.S. estore runs out of product permanently and the UK store still has stock, willl us people in the US be allowed to order from the UK store?

Regarding the idea that "they must have tons of these things left, otherwise why the price drop?" Did anyone ever think that there could be so few left that Sonic Blue decided to just clear out the last few and be done with it for good? I have seen retail stores do that before when they decide they no longer wish to carry a particular model. Not to be overly paraniod, but it's just a thought...