I have a Pioneer CD-SR77 which has eleven buttons. The button layout is here. With this IR trans masterpiece, I now have a ton of new functionality. Here are some things I'm doing in mine. Some are enhancements to existing buttons, some squeeze extra functionality out of the measly 11 buttons I have.

Shift lock key
My "ATT" button is my shift lock key which toggles the other buttons' state. Press-and-hold this key puts my Empeg in standby mode.

Menu navigation
I have two buttons mapped to "cancel" and "menu/OK" respectively. These along with the next/prev track buttons allow menu navigation.

The poor man's SRC button
I use mlord's example to have one of my buttons act as the one-button source switcher and AM/FM switcher in tuner mode. Since I don't use Aux, it skips over Aux. Also, when in the player, press-and-hold this button does the Rio remote "select mode" button (so I can change Append/Insert/Replace mode.)

In shift-lock mode, all 10 buttons correspond to a number. This is something I had implemented with my own kernel hack over top of Frank's IR trans kernel, but it's a lot easier now.

Search macros
In shift-lock mode, press-and-hold certain numbers sends the "search" button several times. For instance, press-and-hold the button that corresponds to number 2 sends "search" 4 times, which will put you in the "search by artist" screen. The numbers correspond to the familiar 2=Artist, 5=Genre, 6=source layout. Some of these aren't working right now but I think that's due to the order I have them listed in the file.

Fine-tuning from the remote
In tuner mode, instead of having my "next" and "prev" buttons send the remote codes for next/prev, I have them actually sending the corresponding front-panel code. This is so that a press-and-hold of the button does fine-tuning of the frequency rather than simply advancing through the presets really fast. So tap next goes to next preset, press-and-hold next scans frequencies as if you had held down the right front panel button.

Volume speed up
I have my volume up and down mapped to a macro which actually sends the button up/down code five times consecutively. When I need finer volume adjustment, I also have the "press-and-hold" volume up and down mapped to a single vol up/down press (actually, to the knob-left and knob-right codes). This is all because the volume change speed is way too slow for me.

Normal functions
I have some buttons normal so that a "press and hold" is truly a press and hold of that button. FF/REW, Info, play, are a few of these. So if I hold down my "info" button I get track details.

Whew. I spent a little bit of time on it, but I squeezed everything I wanted in my steering wheel remote in there. The only thing I need right now is a beep when the shift lock is received. I might have to implement that one myself since Mark doesn't want to do beeps.

Anyway I'm attaching the ir_translate section of my config.ini. Feel free to borrow/steal.

46034-codes.txt (218 downloads)

- Tony C
my empeg stuff