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Beaker - I love your custom facia. If you want to work something out to get it cut, let me know. And damn, you got my setup almost exact.
Rob, thanks for your comments

. I'll probably take you up on that offer at some stage. The initial trial samples I'll get made at work just so I know they fit OK. I like your use of adhesive for 'clamping'. I've used this once or twice myself. Oh, and those Mitee-Bites are good too aren't they? We use them a lot at work. Anyway, as I said before, I've designed it to make it easy to machine using standard tooling, Slot Drills, Face Mills & Corner Rounding Cutters (you may know them under different names but they're the names we use in the UK). There aren't any multi-rad corner rounds or fillets or curved faces so it should be a lot easier (& quicker!!) to machine than the original stock item. I'm also just learning the 3D stuff so nothing too complicated yet!! I'll keep you updated with any significant developments in the design. If you have any thoughts on making it easier for you to produce then please let me know and I'll see what I can do to incorporate them into the design.