I don't really see the value in "sending" a program to another person. It is certainly harder to justify and defend. I don't think it will be a big spending point either.
This reminds me a bit of how of the 500+ people in US custody because of the Sept. 11 attacks, none of them are actually being held on terrorism charges. They are being held on immigration charges. So, the networks hate you for commercial skip, so they sue you for copyright infringment (not related, but as long as they get you, they don't care).
If this becomes a criminal matter rather than a civil matter, what will be TiVo's defense? (The networks have invested in TiVo, so wont sue it.)
I don't think networks make any money off of selling sitcoms on tape. The studios and production company do. (Depends on who owns the show, and most networks do not actually own the shows).
How about this: Make commercials more entertaining! I don't like football very much, but I watch it to see the commercials!
Brad B.