Now come on. I'm not saying it's evil, I'm saying it fits the definition of piracy. We're not talking about building a better mousetrap, we're talking about making it much easier for someone to circumvent the advertisements that support their programs. The Pony Express didn't hold IP rights to the messages they were carrying.
It should be known I am a proponent of a pay-to-play subscription-based model for everything, where there would be no advertising revenues necessary. I'd rather pay 50 cents to watch whatever show I want to watch, whenever I want to watch it, than sit through commercials. So the RTV 4000 is a step in that direction, and I would very much like to own one. But it IS piracy in that my use of the commercial skip and redistributing the shows is a method of circumventing their revenue stream. I'm not an evil person for doing so, and in fact this might be a good wakeup call to tell the network execs that TV advertising is dead, but it's piracy, plain and simple.