As for where, I'm for Austin, Dallas or Houston as I live in Austin, have a brother in Dallas, and have good friends in Houston my wife and I keep promising to visit!

As for when, I happen to be going to Dallas for my afformentioned brother's birthday party March 10-11! After that, my schedule currently looks clear for Mar 30-31, April 6-7 & 27-28 and May 18-19. Beyond that, I'll have to check.

Otherwise, the major problem I have is that I still don't have my empeg installed! Income tax ate up all my money I was planning to spend (and SO much more!) on the headunit I picked out (Pioneer DEH-P7400MP or something similar, though I'd love a Clarion VRX925VD!!). Oh, well...
60 Gig [blue]Blue[/blue] MK2a in 2000 Toyota 4Runner (soon!)